Saturday, September 8, 2007

Little Italy downtown

New York City residents know that the best of 'Little Italy' is found in the outer boroughs. (Oh and we say boros). We'll talk about those restaurants, bakeries and neighborhood theaters later on, but as long as you are downtown one stop highly recommedned is Ferrara's Bakery. No trip to New York is complete without heading down to Ferrara Bakery and Cafe at 195 Grand Street (between Mott and Elizabeth) for CHEESECAKE.

This resident had the good fortune to be introduced to Ferrara's back in oh maybe 1979 when I was teaching with a family member at a school up in the Bronx. So if you do stop by and meet a Ferarra- please say hi.

Then there's FEASTS, FEASTS and more FEATS (yes residents go to these) here's a link to the San Gennaro

When there's not a feast and you want a taste of Italy downtown (and since Theresa's is gone) best deal is lunch an in one of the restaurants you can't click on from the website. Problem with Umberto's, 178 Mulberry Street, is it's now frequented by celebrities and tour buses a big nono for the insider resident choice. AND we know the new site of Umberto's is not the same place the Crazy Joe was murdered back in 1972- so if you want a snapshot of that memento you need to walk own about two blocks to 129 Mulberry.

And yes even New Yorkers walk over to 247 Mulberry to get a glimpse of the Ravenite Social Club (of Gotti notoriety) and some of us take a picture or two.


Anonymous said...

Ferrara's is well loved, but don't overlook Veniero's Pasticceria & Caffe. It's been a wonderful part of NYC since 1894. Rated Excellent according to Zagat Survey. East Village.

When we wanted a dessert offering that the 200 people in our Wall Street office could agree on, Veniero's was our choice with a selection of absolutely wonderful pastries and Italian Butter Cookies. The platters were put out onto the serving tables, and ten minutes later there wasn't a crumb left.

Anonymous said...

Ferrara's may be the best cheesecake in Manhattan, but if you do not mention Junior's you are doing every tourist a disservice!

(Junior's is at the intersection of Flatbush and DeKalb Avenues in Brooklyn.)
