Monday, October 8, 2007

Washington Square Park

Many New York City residents visit the historic Washington Square Park at least once each season. The park, characterized by its central fountain and stone arch, is located in the heart of Greenwich Village, and is considered by some to be New York University's own back yard.

The tourist should definitely consider a 'walk in the park', stopping at the chess area and arranging his/her day downtown according to the outdoor events scheduled in the park.

The arch is another example of Stanford White's architectural vision (remember the post about the Hall of Fame now part of the CUNY Bronx Community College campus-- yes we'll get to the Bronx and other boroughs) and what many do not know, sadly some residents too, is that the park was a Potters Field( back in about 1797 or so)- yep the bones are still buried there along with those who'd been 'hung' from Hangman's Elm in the northwest corner of the park.

Some residents prefer the park when nothing is scheduled, a nice sandwich and cool drink or hot in winter on a bench is one of the perks for New York City residents. And standing at the the lip of the fountain reciting HOWL from memory or a stream of crib sheets- is definitely a New York experience.

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